المدرسة الافتراضية للترجمة وفنون اللغة العربية (جيمارا)

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Building tmx from reverso

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  • Building tmx from reverso

    Building TMX Files from Reverso Bilingual Tables

    It is a pleasure to announce that we have started the building of TMX files from reverse. If you wish to contribute to the project, the only thing you need to do is to copy an entire table from reverse of sentences both in English and Arabic. Copy and paste it in a word document and upload it to mediafire or any other uploading websites then put the link here.

    If you have Arabic laws well translated into English and you have the source and target in a bilingual table, please send it to us.

    The TMX is linked here: http://www.jordaninterpreters.com/memory/tmx.zip

    last update: December 10th, 2019
    Updated segment number: 20727

    The following videos explains how to prepare the tables.
    Last edited by Mohammed; 11-24-2019, 10:51 AM.

  • #2
    We need bilingual tables from Reverso with the key word 'negotiations'. Just ONE member should work on this key word.

    1. Search in google for the following string: Reverso Context Arabic
    2. In Reverso, search for the keyword Negotiations
    3. Go below and click Display More Examples. Repeat the step until you get a good number of results. If you wish to attend our webinars, each webinar lesson will cost you 20,000 words of Reverso table (it can be easily obtained from Reverso).
    4. Select All + Copy.
    5. Paste the result in a word document
    6. Delete the headers and footers of the text (unnecessary information)
    7. Search for the word 'unlock'. You will find a message from reverse, which you need to delete.
    8. Omit unnecessary spaces before or after the text.
    9. Select All and convert it to a table of two rows. After you get a correct table, upload it as an attachment. Format does not matter as long as it is a bilingual table.

    Any help? Just let me know.

    Try to boost your credit of contributions to the forums from now. This will avert you the inconvenience of having to the do the assignment after a rather short notice.
    Last edited by Mohammed; 11-12-2019, 09:45 AM.


    • #3
      Memory updated on November 24th, 2019.


      • #4
        Exported to TMX...raw material deleted.


        • #5
          [[[MOD: List exported to TMX- Raw material deleted]]]


          • Mohammed
            Mohammed commented
            Editing a comment
            Good job Arkan. I will include it in the TMX updates tomorrow.

        • #6
          [[[MOD: List exported to TMX- Raw material deleted]]]


          • #7

            [[[MOD: List exported to TMX- Raw material deleted]]]


            • #8
              reverso translation for the word humanity
              Attached Files


              • Mohammed
                Mohammed commented
                Editing a comment
                This is about 17k words
                Thank you! I will update the tmx file shortly.

              • Mohammed
                Mohammed commented
                Editing a comment
                Thank you! I have updated the memory.

            • #9
              Hello! Here is my contribution
              Keywords: Empirical + Aristotle (All segments in Reverso)

              Attached Files


              • Mohammed
                Mohammed commented
                Editing a comment
                Thank you! I have updated the memory.

            • #10
              Here you are!
              Attached Files


              • #11
                هذا الملف الثاني
                Attached Files


                • #12
                  مجلس امن ملف 1
                  Attached Files


                  • #13
                    مجلس امن ملف 2
                    Attached Files


                    • #14
                      ملف مجلس امن 3
                      Attached Files


                      • #15
                        ملف مجلس امن 4
                        Attached Files


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