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Daowd Translation course June 2020- Lesson 3

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  • Daowd Translation course June 2020- Lesson 3

    الاقتصاد هو نشاط بشريّ يتضمن إنتاج وتبادل وتوزيع واستهلاك الخدمات والسلع، أما مصطلح الاقتصاد في اللغة فيعني: التوسط في الإسراف والتقدير، أي التوسّط في الإنفاق ما بين التبذير والبخل.

    كما يُمكن تعريف الاقتصاد بأنه: مصطلح يتضمن مفاهيم متعددة، والعلوم الاقتصاديّة هي العلوم المعنية بدراسته، ويُركّز الاقتصاد على النظريات الإدارية والإقتصادية من أجل تنفيذها، أو يمكن اعتباره مصطلحاً بديلاً عن الاقتصاد السياسي، كما يشير الاقتصاد بمفهومه الواسع إلى الحالة الاقتصادية لدولة أو منطقة معينة، أي الوضع الاقتصادي للدولة أو المنطقة، وبشكل عام يُستخدم مصطلح الاقتصاد كمصطلح مرادف للادخار أو لعملية تخفيض الإنفاق.

    مقومات الاقتصاد:
    توفّر المناخ الجيد والمناسب لجذب الاستثمارات العالمية بدون أي معوقات، أي أن تكون لديه مقدرة عالية على جذب الاستثمارات العالمية المباشرة بدون أي صعوبات، وهو ما يسمّى باسم جنة الاستثمار أو الاقتصاد المحابي لرؤوس الأموال المستثمرة. توفّر القدرة الاستيعابية للسوق، فالعديد من الاقتصادات التي جذبت الاستثمارات المباشرة إليها، ولكن كانت نهايتها الفشل بسبب عدم مقدرتها على استيعاب الكم الكبير من هذه الاستثمارات في أسواقها.

    يجب توفّر خبرات وكفاءات اقتصادية في الدولة نفسها من خلال امتلاك الجهاز الإداري الحكومي قاعدّة معلوماتية تتعلق بكافة الخبراء والمتخصصين الاقتصاديين الموجودين في الدولة من أجل الاستعانة بهم واستشارتهم في المجالات الاستثمارية بالدولة، بالإضافة إلى قاعدة معلوماتية أخرى تتعلق بالخبراء الاقتصاديين العالميين. قدرة الدولة على تذليل الصعوبات والمعوقات القانونية والإدارية وذلك لغايات تشجيع الاستثمار في الدولة. القدرة على الابتكار أي قدرة الاقتصاد على التغيير والتطوّر والتقدم نحو الأفضل. إيجاد التكامل الاقتصادي ما بين الموارد البشرية في الدولة.

  • #2
    When do you think you can post the translation?


    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      Economy is a human activity that includes producing, exchanging, distributing and consuming services and goods. The economy term means: mediating in extravagance and estimation. That is mediating in spending between wistfulness and miserliness.
      We can define economy as a term contains a several concepts, and economic science is its scientific study. Economy focuses on administrative and economic theories to execute it. Or it can be considered as an alternative term for political economy. thus, economy indicates by its wide concept to the economic status for a country or a specific region, it means the economic situation to a country or a region. In general, the economy term is used as a synonym for saving or reducing expenditure operation.
      Economy basics:
      Economy provides the good and suitable weather to attract the global investments without any obstacles. Which means it has the huge capacity to attract the global direct investments without problems. This is called by investment paradise or a favorable economy for invested capital.
      It provides the market capacity, as many economies that have attracted direct investments to it.
      However, it failed because it couldn’t absorb the large amount of these investments in its markets.
      Economic expertise and competencies must be available in the same country by owning the administrative governmental device an information base related to all experts and specialists in the country in order to get their assistance and consulting them in the investment areas of the country, in addition to another base information related to global economist experts. The capacity of the country to minimize legal and administrative obstacles and difficulties to encourage investments in the country.
      The ability to innovate that is, the ability of the economy to change, develop, and progress for the better. And also finding economic integration between human resources in the country.

    • Guest's Avatar
      Guest commented
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      I'll post it today.

  • #3
    can I give it a try ?


    • #4
      Economy is a human activity that includes producing, exchanging, distributing and consuming services and goods. The economy term means: mediating in extravagance and estimation. That is mediating in spending between wistfulness and miserliness.
      We can define economy as a term contains a several concepts, and economic science is its scientific study. Economy focuses on administrative and economic theories to execute it. Or it can be considered as an alternative term for political economy. thus, economy indicates by its wide concept to the economic status for a country or a specific region, it means the economic situation to a country or a region. In general, the economy term is used as a synonym for saving or reducing expenditure operation.
      Economy basics:
      Economy provides the good and suitable weather to attract the global investments without any obstacles. Which means it has the huge capacity to attract the global direct investments without problems. This is called by investment paradise or a favorable economy for invested capital.
      It provides the market capacity, as many economies that have attracted direct investments to it.
      However, it failed because it couldn’t absorb the large amount of these investments in its markets.
      Economic expertise and competencies must be available in the same country by owning the administrative governmental device an information base related to all experts and specialists in the country in order to get their assistance and consulting them in the investment areas of the country, in addition to another base information related to global economist experts. The capacity of the country to minimize legal and administrative obstacles and difficulties to encourage investments in the country.
      The ability to innovate that is, the ability of the economy to change, develop, and progress for the better. And also finding economic integration between human resources in the country.
      Economy is a human activity that includes producing, exchanging, distributing and consuming services and goods. The economy term means: mediating in extravagance and estimation. That is mediating in spending between wistfulness and miserliness.
      We can define economy as a term contains a several concepts, and economic science is its scientific study. Economy focuses on administrative and economic theories to execute it. Or it can be considered as an alternative term for political economy. thus, economy indicates by its wide concept to the economic status for a country or a specific region, it means the economic situation to a country or a region. In general, the economy term is used as a synonym for saving or reducing expenditure operation.
      Economy basics:
      Economy provides the good and suitable weather to attract the global investments without any obstacles. Which means it has the huge capacity to attract the global direct investments without problems. This is called by investment paradise or a favorable economy for invested capital.
      It provides the market capacity, as many economies that have attracted direct investments to it.
      However, it failed because it couldn’t absorb the large amount of these investments in its markets.
      Economic expertise and competencies must be available in the same country by owning the administrative governmental device an information base related to all experts and specialists in the country in order to get their assistance and consulting them in the investment areas of the country, in addition to another base information related to global economist experts. The capacity of the country to minimize legal and administrative obstacles and difficulties to encourage investments in the country.
      The ability to innovate that is, the ability of the economy to change, develop, and progress for the better. And also finding economic integration between human resources in the country.


      • Mohammed
        Mohammed commented
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        Dear Sarak. Thank you for taking the time to suggest your translation. We usually encourage members to interact with trainees regarding their translations. Daowd is doing a pretty good job, so can I suggest that you see his translation and my changes then ask any questions in light of your own translation. Unfortunately, for me, it is not possible to correct your translation because this training course is designed specifically for one person only.

    • #5
      Seattle Guest Could you please post your translation of lesson 3? It is also good to see Sara's attempt to exchange views.


      • #6
        Here is my translation.
        Attached Files


        • #7
          Guest The corrections/changes are now attached. I am going to upload the video explainer shortly.
          In the meantime, it would be great if you make some reflections on Guest 's translation and throw some comments.
          Guest : It would be great if you see the corrections and compare/contrast them with your own work.

          The video explainer is uploaded here:
          Attached Files


          • Guest's Avatar
            Guest commented
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            Thank you for the comments and corrections.
            I cant make any reflections on anyone's translation because I am still an amateur at this, Im not in a position to assess other translations. Apologies.

          • Mohammed
            Mohammed commented
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            I understand. it is alright.

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