Passcode: 1235
Everyday from December 19th, 2020 to January 18th, 2021
From 9 to 11 PM AMMAN TIME
وتبدو محاولة الإجابة عن سؤال مستوى امتلاك السكان من الشباب والكبار في المنطقة العربية للمهارات الوظيفية اللازمة للحياة والعمل غير ممكن، فقد كشفت التقارير الوطنية حول التقدم في الهدف الرابع أنه في أي من الدول العربية لا يوجد تقييما مقننا لقياس درجة امتلاك السكان لمثل هذه المهارات.
Direct translation:
Target 4.6 calls for the youth and adults to possess a set of skills, atop of which is literacy. In UNESCO’s terms, literacy refers to one’s ability to define, understand, interpret and construct meaning, communicate and perform calculations using print material in a variety of contexts. While it appears to be impractical to answer the question of how much professional and life skills this group of population has, relevant sections in the national reports show the inexistence of any normalized assessment tool to measure such skills.
Target 4.6 stresses that youth and adults are expected to possess a set of skills, the most important of which is literacy. The UNESCO’s definition of literacy refers to one’s ability to define, comprehend, interpret and construct meaning, communicate, and perform calculations using printed material in a variety of circumstances. It is not easy to answer the question of how much professional and life skills this group has. However, pertinent sections in the national reports demonstrate that no standardized assessment tool exists for the measurement of such skills.