المدرسة الافتراضية للترجمة وفنون اللغة العربية (جيمارا)

The Virtual School of Translation and Arabic Related Arts (JEEMARA)

December 2020-January 2021Discussions

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  • Course December 2020-January 2021Discussions

    Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8175046622...0ybUdLR0NEQT09
    Passcode: 1235
    Everyday from December 19th, 2020 to January 18th, 2021
    From 9 to 11 PM AMMAN TIME

    وتبدو محاولة الإجابة عن سؤال مستوى امتلاك السكان من الشباب والكبار في المنطقة العربية للمهارات الوظيفية اللازمة للحياة والعمل غير ممكن، فقد كشفت التقارير الوطنية حول التقدم في الهدف الرابع أنه في أي من الدول العربية لا يوجد تقييما مقننا لقياس درجة امتلاك السكان لمثل هذه المهارات.

    Direct translation:
    Target 4.6 calls for the youth and adults to possess a set of skills, atop of which is literacy. In UNESCO’s terms, literacy refers to one’s ability to define, understand, interpret and construct meaning, communicate and perform calculations using print material in a variety of contexts. While it appears to be impractical to answer the question of how much professional and life skills this group of population has, relevant sections in the national reports show the inexistence of any normalized assessment tool to measure such skills.

    Target 4.6 stresses that youth and adults are expected to possess a set of skills, the most important of which is literacy. The UNESCO’s definition of literacy refers to one’s ability to define, comprehend, interpret and construct meaning, communicate, and perform calculations using printed material in a variety of circumstances. It is not easy to answer the question of how much professional and life skills this group has. However, pertinent sections in the national reports demonstrate that no standardized assessment tool exists for the measurement of such skills.

  • #2

    انتهجت الدول العربية خلال السنوات الماضية سياسة التوسع الكمي والنوعي في التعليم، فانتشرت المدارس والمؤسسات التعليمية، وتم رصد الموازنات لتعميم التعليم الإلزامي وزيادة نسب الالتحاق، فانخفضت نسب الأمية بين الشباب والكبار في معظم الدول العربية بحسب ما جاء في التقارير الوطنية لرصد التقدم في الهدف الرابع، كما وتتبنى معظم الدول العربية مبادرات ومشاريع للحد من نسب الأمية ومكافحتها بين السكان، وبخاصة في المجتمعات القروية، ولدى الأفراد الذين تسربوا من المدارس خلال سن التمدرس الرسمي، وتندرج معظم هذه الجهود ضمن مبدأ التعلم مدى الحياة، أو التعلم المستمر، أو التعلم من أجل الحياة.

    Arab states, throughout the past few years, followed the quality and quantity expansion policy in education. Schools and educational institutions spread out and budgets were allocated to mainstream compulsory education and increase enrolment rates. As a result, illiteracy among the youth and adults dropped in most Arab states, according to the national reports. In addition, most Arab states have adopted initiatives and projects to reduce and eradicate illiteracy, particularly in rural communities and among dropouts. The majority of those efforts are pursued in lines with the doctrines of life-long education, continuous education or learning for life.

    Arab states, throughout the past few years, have maintained a policy of quality and quantity expansion of education. Schools and educational institutions grew and budgets were allocated to bolster compulsory education and increase enrollment rates. As a consequence, illiteracy among youth and adults declined, according to the national reports. Furthermore, most Arab states have moved forward with initiatives and projects to reduce and eradicate illiteracy, particularly in rural communities and among dropouts. Most of those efforts are geared towards life-long learning, continuous education, or learning for life.


    • #3
      Who can translate this?

      تتضمن المناهج مفاهيم ومضامين المواطنة العالمية، والتعليم من أجل التنمية المستدامة ،وحقوق الانسان في 93% من الدول، وقد نُفِّذت الأنشطة والفعاليات من خلال التدريس الاعتيادي للمقررات الدراسية مثل التربية الأخلاقية، والتربية المدنية، ومهارات الحياة، والتربية للمواطنة. وقد تضمنت محاور الأنشطة كلاً من المواطنة العالمية وممارساتها، وحقوق الإنسان، والتنمية المستدامة، والمشاركة في الحياة العامة، واحترام الآخرين وتقبل الاختلاف، وتعزيز ثقافة السلام واللاعنف. وباستثناء بعض الحالات القليلة، لم تحلل الدول العربية المشاركة المناهج أو الإطار العام للمناهج تحليلا أفقيا ولا عموديا لتحديد مدى تضمين المناهج لهذه المفاهيم. من هنا، يوصى في عمليات الرصد القادمة بأن تشرف إدارات المناهج في الوزارة على تحليل محتوى الإطار العام للمناهج، وتحليل المقررات للمراحل التعليمية المختلفة لتحديد مدى تضمين كل من هذه المفاهيم على حدة.

      Can you take it Rasha Ybb ?


      • #4

        تبذل وزارات التربية والتعليم جهودا واعدة في مجال ترسيخ المفاهيم وتضمين القضايا المتعلقة بالمواطنة العالمية، والتنمية المستدامة، وحقوق الإنسان، في عناصر نظم التعليم ومكوناتها وعملياتها، وتشير الصورة العامة بحسب التقارير الوطنية إلى أن هذه الجهود متباينة في مستوى مأسستها في السياسات التعليمية، والمناهج الدراسية، وبرامج التدريب والتأهيل.

        Ministries of education are spending promising efforts in mainstreaming all over its educational system the concepts and values of global citizenship, sustainable development, human rights. However, a cursory glance at the national reports show discrepancies as their institutionalization varied in educational polices, curricula and training programmes.

        The ministers of education are spending substantial efforts in integrating all over their educational systems the concepts and values of global citizenship, sustainable development, human rights. A cursory glance at the national reports, however, shows discrepancies, as their institutionalization differs significantly in educational policies, curricula and training programmes.


        • #5

          تتضمن المناهج مفاهيم ومضامين المواطنة العالمية، والتعليم من أجل التنمية المستدامة ،وحقوق الانسان في 93% من الدول، وقد نُفِّذت الأنشطة والفعاليات من خلال التدريس الاعتيادي للمقررات الدراسية مثل التربية الأخلاقية، والتربية المدنية، ومهارات الحياة، والتربية للمواطنة. وقد تضمنت محاور الأنشطة كلاً من المواطنة العالمية وممارساتها، وحقوق الإنسان، والتنمية المستدامة، والمشاركة في الحياة العامة، واحترام الآخرين وتقبل الاختلاف، وتعزيز ثقافة السلام واللاعنف. وباستثناء بعض الحالات القليلة، لم تحلل الدول العربية المشاركة المناهج أو الإطار العام للمناهج تحليلا أفقيا ولا عموديا لتحديد مدى تضمين المناهج لهذه المفاهيم. من هنا، يوصى في عمليات الرصد القادمة بأن تشرف إدارات المناهج في الوزارة على تحليل محتوى الإطار العام للمناهج، وتحليل المقررات للمراحل التعليمية المختلفة لتحديد مدى تضمين كل من هذه المفاهيم على حدة.

          Draft Translation
          The curricula include concepts and contents of global citizenship, education for sustainable development, and human rights in 93% of countries. Activities and activities were implemented through the regular teaching of academic courses such as moral education, civic education, life skills, and citizenship education. The axes of activities included global citizenship and its practices, human rights, sustainable development, participation in public life, respect for others and acceptance of difference, and the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence. With the exception of some few cases, the participating Arab countries did not analyze the curricula or the general framework of the curricula either horizontally or vertically to determine the extent to which the curricula include these concepts. Hence, it is recommended that, in future monitoring processes, the curriculum departments in the ministry supervise the analysis of the content of the general framework of the curricula, and analyze the curricula of the different educational stages to determine the extent to which each of these concepts is included separately.

          Final Target Translation
          In 93% of the participating states, the curricula incorporated global citizenship, education for sustainable development, and human rights. Activities and events were delivered throughout the regular instruction of courses, such as ethical and civic education, basic life skills, and citizenship education. A wide range of issues were embedded, including citizenship in action, human rights, sustainable development, participation in public life, respect for others and tolerance of differences, and the promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence. Other than a few instances, the participating Arab states did not analyse the curricula or the general framework of the curricula in order to determine how far the curricula include these concepts. Accordingly, in future monitoring, curriculum departments are recommended to review of the content of the general framework of the curricula to determine the extent to which each of these concepts have been fully embedded.


          • #6


            في 2020، اطلقت اليونسكو خارطة طريق التعليم من أجل التنمية المستدامة 2030 والذي سيساهم في تسريع تحقيق الدول لجميع أهداف التنمية المستدامة السبعة عشر، وبشكل خاص في الهدف 4 والغاية 4.7. ، وقد جاء في تلك الوثيقة أن العديد من الدول قد أشارت إلى أنها تعكس مضامين التنمية المستدامة في المناهج، والسياسات، وبرامج تأهيل المعلمين، إلا أن ذلك يتم في سياق ضيق يتضمن مواضيع تعليمية عوضا عن منحى شمولي استراتيجي يقود إلى تحول سلوكي جذري نحو التنمية المستدامة في سلوك الأفراد والجماعات.


            In 2020, UNESCO launched the Education Roadmap for Sustainable Development 2030 to assist countries on their path towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, particularly in Goal 4 and Target 4.7. It was stated in that document that many countries indicated that they reflect the implications of sustainable development in curricula, policies, and teacher education programs. However, it is noticeable that this is limited to introducing educational topics rather than adopting a holistic, strategic approach that leads to a radical mental change as a prelude to achieving sustainable development in the behavior of individuals and groups.

            In 2002, UNESCO launched the Education Roadmap for Sustainable Development 2030 to help countries achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, especially Goal 4 and Target 4.7. According to the document, many countries indicated that their curricula, policies, and education programs reflected the implications of sustainable development. Nevertheless, this appears to be focusing only on introducing educational topics rather than pursuing a holistic strategy for achieving a paradigm shift that would serve as a catalyst for a long-term change in the behavior of individuals and groups.


            • #7
              Taroub Your translation is safe to insert in the report, so in this feedback I am removing the hat of the trainer and will make some changes as a peer translator.

              وصلت نسبة المعلمين في مرحلة ما قبل التعليم الابتدائي، وفي مرحلة التعليم الابتدائي ، وفي المرحلة الثانوية العليا الذين تلقوا الحد الأدنى من التدريب المنظم قبل الخدمة أو أثناء الخدمة والمطلوب لممارسة التدريس في 6 دولة عربية مشاركة في إعداد التقارير الوطنية إلى 100% ، في حين قدمت 6 دول شرحا عن برامج تدريب وتأهيل المعلمين لكن دون تحديد النسب التي تم تدريبها في كل مرحلة تعليمية، وتراوحت نسب المعلمين المؤهلين في 4 دول ما بين 60-80% وبزيادة في النسبة بين الرصد بين عامي 2015 و2019. ومن المهم هنا التأكيد على أن الحد الأدنى من التدريب لابد أن يختلف بين الدول في مكوناته، وطبيعته، ومتطلباته، لذا فإن المقارنات بين الدول لا تعني الكثير ولا توفر قاعدة للحكم على جودة برامج التدريب. وتشير الخبرة العالمية إلى أن عناصر التدريب الجيد هي تلك التي توفر للمعلم الأدوات والمهارات التي تساعده في إدارة الصف، وتدريس المنهاج، وتقييم تعلم الطلبة باستخدام استراتيجيات التقييم المختلفة، ومراعاة الفروق الفردية بين الطلبة في التعلم، ودمج الطلبة ذوي الصعوبات والإعاقات في أنشطة التعلم، ودمج التكنولوجيا في التعليم. ومن المهم بمكان أن يكون لدى وزارة التربية والتعليم سياسات مناسبة تتعلق بالمعلمين وتدعم جهود تمهين التعليم، وأهمها سياسات تعيين المعلمين واستقطاب المميزين منهم إلى المهنة، ومسارات النمو والتطور المهني، وتوفير الحوافز لهم بما يدعم استمرارهم في مهنة التعليم ويزيد دافعيتهم للعطاء.

              Your translation In 6 Arab states participating in the preparation of national reports, the percentage of teachers in pre-primary education, primary education, and upper secondary levels who received the required minimum pre-service or in-service structured training to practice teaching has reached 100%. However, while only six states offered an explanation on the training and qualifying programs for teachers, this explanation did not specify the number of qualified teachers who were trained in each stage. Moreover, the actual number of teachers trained in each educational stage was not specified. Furthermore, the percentage of qualified teachers, in 4 states, ranged between 60 – 80% indicating an increase in the monitoring rate in 2015 – 2019.

              It is worth emphasising that the minimal training is not be the same in all states. This difference appears in components, nature, and requirements. Hence, comparison between states does not have any significant meaning and fails to provide base to judge the quality of training programs. Therefore, comparison between states hardly presents any solid meaning. Moreover, it does not provide any base to judge the quality of training programs.
              The global experience points that good training elements are those that provide the teacher with tools and skills that would facilitate managing the class in addition to teaching curricula and evaluating the students’ knowledge through using different evaluation strategies. In addition, individual consideration to the students teaching abilities with the inclusion of students with difficulties and disabilities in learning activities and introducing technology in education.

              It is of the utmost importance for the Ministry of Education to have suitable policies in connection with teachers and give support to the efforts of -----. Out of these policies are the appointment of teachers and attracting distinguished to the profession. Adding to that the path of growth and vocational development, with providing incentives to lure then to continue in the education profession and increase their motivation to give.
              My suggestion In six Arab states participating in the preparation of national reports, 100% of teachers in pre-primary education, primary education, and upper secondary levels received the required minimum pre-service or in-service structured training. Only six states, however, have provided details concerning the training and qualification programs for teachers, though without mentioning the percentage of teachers qualified in each educational stage. Furthermore, the percentage of qualified teachers, in four states, ranged from 60 to 80 percent, an increase in monitored rates from 2015 to 2019.

              It is important to understand that the minimum training requirements differ from state to state, given their respective specificities. This explains why an inter-state comparison will not be productive and will provide no useful basis for judging the quality of training programmes. Global experience points out that good training elements are those that provide teachers with tools and skills that facilitate teaching curricula and assessing students’ knowledge through a variety of assessment strategies. Good training also takes into account the individual differences among learners, engages students with difficulties or disabilities in learning activities, and utilizes technology in education.

              Ministries of education are highly recommended to develop policies aimed at professionalising teachers. The most crucial of these policies are those governing the appointment of distinguished teachers, pathways to professional development and the provision of incentives for motivating them to stay.


              • #8
                This is a paragraph in Arabic:

                اليوم، في عام 2020، طرأ تغير جذري على معالم العالم بشكلٍ عامٍ والدول العربية بشكلٍ خاص، فإلى جانب التحديات العديدة التي تُهيمن على المنطقة اجتماعيا، وسياسيا، وتنمويا، واقتصادياً، والتي تظهر على شكل فقر وأزمات ماليّة، وضعف الاستقرار السياسي، وبطىء في النمو الاقتصادي، وبطالة متجذرة بين الشباب، وتراجع في جودة التعليم؛ جاءت جائحة كورونا في مارس 2020 لتلقي ظلالها الثقيلة على العالم. وبمراجعة التقارير الوطنية لرصد التقدم في الهدف الرابع، والتي أعدت قبل أن تنتشر جائحة الكوفيد 19 في المنطقة،وبمراجعة التقارير الوطنية لرصد التقدم في الهدف الرابع، والتي أعدت قبل أن تنتشر جائحة الكوفيد 19 في المنطقة، يمكن تلخيص أبرز التحديات في مجالات رئيسة تتعلق بتحقيق غايات أي نظام تعليمي ببعض النقاط.

                Here is google translation:
                Today, in 2020, there has been a radical change in the features of the world in general and the Arab countries in particular, in addition to the many challenges that dominate the region socially, politically, developmentally and economically, which appear in the form of poverty, financial crises, weak political stability, and slow growth Economic, deep-rooted unemployment among young people, and a decline in the quality of education; The Corona pandemic came in March 2020 to cast a heavy shadow on the world. And by reviewing the national reports to monitor progress in the fourth goal, which were prepared before the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the region. By reviewing the national reports to monitor progress in the fourth goal, which were prepared before the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic in the region, the most prominent challenges in key areas related to achieving the goals of any educational system can be summarized by some points.

                Do you think I can edit it? Let us see.

                Updates: I took Google's translated text and edited it thoroughly. Here is what I have:

                Today, in 2020, radical change is roiling the entire world, particularly Arab countries, which are already plagued by social, political, economic and developmental challenges. Political instability, widespread poverty, deepening financial crises, rising unemployment among youth and declining quality of education are a few examples. Things worsened in March 2020 when Coronavirus pandemic struck, casting a heavy shadow on the world. As can be seen in the national reports for monitoring progress towards attainment of the fourth sustainable development goal, which were prepared before the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic in the region, the most prominent challenges facing education have been reduced to a few specific points.


                • #9
                  In translating this paragraph, I first of all apply the alternative-text theory, then have it translated in google, then made some tweaks in the alternative text, then finally do the editing magic.

                  ومن المهم الإشارة إلى أن النزاعات والحروب التي مرت فيها بعض الدول في المنطقة، وما رافقها من تهديد للأمن والإستقرار، والهجرات القصرية قد حرمت الكثير من الأطفال في المنطقة من حقهم الأساسي في التعليم، وتحملت الدول المضيفة للاجئين أعباء أثرت على مستوى خدماتها التعليمية والإنسانية، وما زال الكثير من الأطفال في المنطقة العربية يعانون من ظروف اجتماعية وحياتية قاسية تضع الجميع أمام مسؤولية توفير الحماية والدعم لهم، وللتعليم في مناطق النزاع.

                  Alternative text

                  لقد اجتاحت بعض الدول في المنطقة نزاعات وحروب نتج عنها شيوع حالة من تهديد للأمن والإستقرار وموجات من التهجير القسري. وإزاء ذلك الواقع، حُرِمَ الكثير من الأطفال في المنطقة من حقهم الأساسي في التعليم. وتحملت الدول المضيفة للاجئين أعباء كان لها عظيم الأثر في نوعية خدماتها التعليمية والإنسانية. وما زال الكثير من الأطفال في المنطقة العربية يعانون من ظروف اجتماعية وحياتية قاسية تضع الجميع وجهاً لوجه أمام مسؤولية توفير الحماية والدعم لهم وللتعليم في مناطق النزاع.

                  Google translation Conflicts and wars have engulfed some countries in the region, resulting in a widespread threat to security and stability, and waves of forced displacement. Faced with that reality, many children in the region have been denied their basic right to education. The host countries bore burdens that had a great impact on the quality of their educational and humanitarian services. And many children in the Arab region still suffer from harsh social and life conditions that put everyone face to face with the responsibility to provide them with protection and support and education in conflict areas.
                  >>>>>>>Magic of editing>>>>>>

                  Conflicts and wars have engulfed many countries in the region, causing waves of forced displacement and widespread threats to security and stability. Many children have been denied their basic right to education, and resources in the host countries have been strained, thus inflicting a severe impact on their educational and humanitarian services. The harsh conditions under which children live and suffer further compound this reality, placing everyone face-to-face with the responsibility of protecting, supporting and educating them in conflict areas.


                  • Sereen Nsrallah
                    Sereen Nsrallah commented
                    Editing a comment
                    *** Muhammad, can you give us an exercise like this and do it together on a coming session?

                  • Mohammed
                    Mohammed commented
                    Editing a comment
                    I agree it is important to give you some more exercises. The report is about to be finished tonight and we have to look for the next reports probably next Wednesday.

                • #10
                  Okay. I appreciate it, sir.
                  we're waiting. ?


                  • #11
                    See this:

                    أحدثت جائحة كوفيد 19 العديد من التغييرات على نمط الحياة لدى المجتمع الأردني ، حيث أجبر كما غيره من المجتمعات والحكومات على إيجاد طرق جديدة للعمل والتفاعل والعيش . أظهرت الجائحة نقاط القوة والضعف في السياسات والتشريعات أمام التحدي الجديد المتمثل في التعامل مع نمط الحياة الجديد الذي فرض التحول من نمط التواصل ما بين الأفراد بشكل شخصي الى الكتروني ( عن بعد ) في العديد من مناحي الحياة ومنها العمل والتدريس والتقاضي والعلاقات الاجتماعية . ان الأردن قد استبق الجائحة بعدة سنوات وأسس لبيئة رقمية ملائمة ، مما سهل الموائمة مع ما فرضته الجائحة من ظروف استثنائية انعكست على استمرار العديد من مناحي الحياة لدى المجتمع الأردني للتصدي للفيروس ، فعلى الرغم من التحديات يجري التأقلم على نمط حياة جديدة ، ولكن لا زالت الطبابة عن بعد وهي الأكثر حاجة لمواجهة الفيروس غير منظمة ومعلن عنها بالشكل اللازم في ظل معطيات الجائحة .

                    The Covid-19 pandemic has induced many changes to the Jordanian lifestyle, forcing the government, just as in many other societies, to find new methods of work, interaction, and living. The pandemic brought about a new paradigm, exposing policy and legislative strengths and weaknesses in the face of new challenges. It forced the country to respond to the situation by favoring telecommunication through cyberspace rather than face-to-face interactions, leaving almost no human activity immune from this extreme shift, whether it be at work, in teaching, in litigation or even in social relations. However, thanks to its proactive approach, Jordan withstood the test as it had over the years established an appropriate digital environment, which has proved effective in the country’s adaptation to the exceptional circumstances. Those efforts have relatively enabled the population in Jordan to live a normal life despite the challenges of the new lifestyle induced by the virus. However, telemedicine, which is sorely needed under the circumstances, remains an underregulated area the country is yet to tackle.


                    • #12
                      I have simplified the text to help you later on with the original one.
                      1) Share with me the English words for the ones you find in the text.
                      2) After we agree on the words/phrases, translate the text, but do not combine any two sentences.

                      أحدثت جائحة كوفيد 19 العديد من التغييرات على نمط الحياة لدى المجتمع الأردني. أجبرت جائحة كوفيد 19 المجتمعات والحكومات على إيجاد طرق جديدة للعمل والتفاعل والعيش . الأردن ليس استثناءً. أظهرت الجائحة نقاط القوة والضعف في السياسات والتشريعات. يجب على السياسات والتشريعات أن تواكب نمط الحياة الجديد. أجبرت الجائحة الناس على التحول من نمط التواصل ما بين الأفراد بشكل شخصي الى الكتروني عن بعد. أثر ذلك في كثير من مناحي الحياة مثل العمل والتدريس والتقاضي والعلاقات الاجتماعية . كان الأردن استباقياً. قبل الجائحة بعدة سنوات، أسس الأردن بيئة رقمية. البيئة الرقمية ملائمة للتعامل مع الظروف الاستثنائية. الجائحة فرضت الظروف الاستثنائية. سمحت هذه البيئة باستمرار العديد من مناحي الحياة لدى المجتمع الأردني. هناك تحديات كثيرة. تسعى الحكومة لمواجهة هذه التحديات. نجحت كثير من جهودها. الطبابة عن بعد وهي أكثر مجال يحتاج إلى التنظيم في مواجهة الجائحة.


                      • #13
                        Doctor those are the English words for the ones in the text :

                        أحدثت caused
                        many changes العديد من التحديات
                        lifestyle of Jordanian society نمط حياة المجتمع الاردني
                        أجبرت obliged
                        come up with إيجاد
                        ليست استثناء is no exception
                        it showed the strengths and weaknesses أظهرت نقاط القوة و الضعف
                        يواكب to keep pace with
                        to turn from to على التحول من إلى
                        face to face communication تواصل الأشخاص
                        telecommunication تواصل الكتروني
                        impacted أثرت على
                        aspects of life مناحي الحياة
                        suitable مناسبة
                        بيئة رقمية digital environment
                        exceptional circumstances ظروف استثنائية
                        استباقية proactive
                        allowed تسمح
                        myriad of challenges العديد من التحديات
                        Is keen to تسعى إلى
                        facing مواجهة
                        effort جهود
                        payed off نجحت
                        طبابة telemedicine
                        domain مجال
                        requiring يحتاج
                        to be organised التنظيم
                        Last edited by Touria; 12-27-2020, 10:45 PM.


                        • #14
                          Check in red!
                          Then, translate the passage. Cohesive devises are not permitted in this exercise.
                          Keep in mind: A sentence is a unit that beings with a capital letter and ends in a period.

                          Originally posted by Touria View Post
                          أحدثت caused
                          many changes العديد من التحديات
                          lifestyle of Jordanian society نمط حياة المجتمع الاردني
                          أجبرت obliged
                          come up with إيجاد
                          ليست استثناء is no exception
                          it showed the strengths and weaknesses أظهرت نقاط القوة و الضعف
                          يواكب to keep pace with
                          to turn from to على التحول من إلى
                          face to face communication تواصل الأشخاص
                          telecommunication تواصل الكتروني
                          impacted أثرت على
                          aspects of life مناحي الحياة
                          suitable مناسبة
                          بيئة رقمية digital environment
                          exceptional circumstances ظروف استثنائية
                          استباقية proactive
                          allowed تسمح


                          • #15
                            Covid-19 pandemic caused the lifestyle of Jordanian society many changes . It forced the societies , governments to find new ways including work , interaction ,living . Jordan is no exception. The pandemic showed the strengths , the weaknesses of policies , legislations. The latter two have to keep pace . The pandemic forced interpersonal communication to turn to telecommunication. Those changes impacted many life aspects including work, teaching , litigation , social relationships. Jordan proactively created a digital environment. A digital environment suitable to manage the exceptional circumstances. This environment allowed the continuity of life aspects in Jordanian society. There are many challenges. Numerous efforts payed off . Telemedicine the most domain needing to be organised in facing the pandemic .


                            • Taroub Al Aref
                              Taroub Al Aref commented
                              Editing a comment
                              Following the closure of schools and universities because of Coronavirus, Arab countries tried to resort to e-learning. Having done this, it was not faced with obstacles only, but it has also exposed the educational system’s flaws that was not originally successful in the traditional model based on in- class studying. These countries namely Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria, Tunisia, Syria and Gulf states and others have all turned to distance education attempting to save the school season. Dealing with this situation was done by either announcing special e-sites or by calling on the assistance of public media means such as channels and government radios.
                              However, the followers of this process have great doubts. Their complaints on social platforms were the only a manifestation of them. The biggest obstacles are the large sector of the population poor living standards and the lack of internet coverage in all areas of the county. Adding to that, the inability of public media to create an interaction like the traditional classrooms. Not to ignore the technical problems from which the Arabic Educational systems are suffering as they listed in the lower ranking in the global education indicators.
                              Although the internet has widely spread in the region, several countries never examined these technology products. Now, with this situation emerging, the Arabic experiments are so modest other than in some rich oil countries where some are partially successful. In fact, some Arabic countries were not able to introduce the remote education in universities even though prestigious universities have adopted digital learning for more than a decade.
                              The corona pandemic has forced Arab countries to make a sudden transition to distance learning. Competent ministries tried to facilitate the process by creating e-learning platforms.

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