المدرسة الافتراضية للترجمة وفنون اللغة العربية (جيمارا)

The Virtual School of Translation and Arabic Related Arts (JEEMARA)

From noob to pro

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  • From noob to pro

    In this tutorial, I am translating a simple paragraph from Noob level to Pro.
    Watch the video and put your comments ?

    تأثر علم الاجتماع كغيره من العلوم الأخرى بالعديد من المؤثّرات، كان أحدها ظاهرة التخصّص التي تجلّت بشكل واضح مع توسّع الثورة الصناعيّة وتقدّم البحث العلميّ، فزادت اهتماماته وكثُرت ميادينه، واختصّ كلٌّ منها بوجهٍ من أوجه الحياة الاجتماعيّة

    Noob: Literal translation that preserves the correct lexical meanings of words and phrases and sticks to the grammar of the English language.
    Sociology, like any other science, has been affected by several influences, one of which being the phenomenon of specialization, which manifested itself clearly with the expansion of the industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research, so its interests increased and its fields multiplied, each of which addressing one aspect of social life.
    Intermediate level: dividing long sentences into shorter pieces:
    Sociology, like any other science, has been affected by several influences. One of those influences is the phenomenon of specialization, which manifested itself clearly with the expansion of the industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research. Sociological interests increased and its fields multiplied. Each field addressed one aspect of social life.
    Upper-intermediate: Some changes in phrases to make the translation ‘more idiomatic’.
    Like any other discipline, sociology has been influenced by several factors. An important factor relates to specialization, which has been a clear output of the expanding industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research. Sociological interests have varied, with the proliferation of multiple fields under the discipline. Each field addressed one aspect of social life.
    Professional: Doing the magic!
    The study of sociology has been shaped by a number of factors, just as any other discipline has been. One significant factor has been specialization, a trend that has been fostered by the growing industrial revolution and advancement in scientific research. Interests of sociologists have become diverse, with the emergence of multiple fields of study. Each field addressed a different element of social life.
    Hope you like it!
    Comments ? If you have a better translation, I would love to see it.

  • #2
    i really enjoy this type of tutorial.
    this is my modest attempt.

    Many trends helped shaped the discipline of sociology. specialization, a trend in sociological thought, was of paramount importance which had been fostered by the growing industrial revolution and advancement in scientific research. New fields had been evolved from this trend. Each field addressed a different aspect of social life.


    • Mohammed
      Mohammed commented
      Editing a comment
      Please correct this mistake:
      - had been evolved (Verb form+ Verb tense)

    • Mohammed
      Mohammed commented
      Editing a comment
      The trend is not restricted to sociology, so omit the 'a trend in sociological thought'.

  • #3
    I like using the word "factors" instead of influences, and "discipline" instead of sciences. (not for any reason but my sense)
    Honestly, I don't know if you replaced "affected" with "influenced" for a specific reason or just because you like it this way.


    • #4
      Advanced Arabic-English translation from Noob to XP level:

      يرى الكثيرون أنَّ الدخول لأرض العلوم عمومًا وعلم النفس بالخصوص يبدأ من الكتب، لكنَّ ذلك ربما كان ممكنا قبل أن تنفتح نافذة التعليم عبر الإنترنت علينا وتقدم أكبر الجامعات مساقاتها لنا في كل المجالات تقريبًا بداية من صناعة الأفلام والعرائس الخشبية حتّى الرياضيات المتقدمة لمستوى خريجي الجامعات. مع وجود المساقات الدراسية، خاصة تلك التي تخدم المبتدئين، أصبح من الممكن لك أن تخوض تجربة دراسة ما تحب كأي طالب في العالم.

      أرض territory العلوم sciences علم النفس psychology
      ممكن Possible مساقات courses صناعة الأفلام movie making العرائس الخشبية wooden puppets

      A lot of people see that entering the territory of science in general and psychology in particular starts with books but this may have been possible before internet opened the window of education through internet to us and the largest universities are offering us its courses in all fields almost beginning with movie making and wooden puppets up till advanced mathematics for university graduates level. With the existence of study courses, particularly those that serve beginners, it is possible for you to dive into the experience of studying anything you want as a student in the world.


      Many people believe that entering the domain of sciences, in general, and psychology in particular starts with books. This could have been true before the introduction of internet-based education. Large universities are offering their courses to us in almost all fields, beginning with filmmaking and wooden puppet up till advanced mathematics at the graduate level. There are also courses that serve beginners, in particular, which makes it possible for you to start studying anything you love just as any other student in the world would do.

      Many people are of the opinion that the first step to entering the world of science, especially psychology, should start from books. However, that opinion sounds outdated today with the internet making education wide open to us. Even major universities are offering, through internet, so many courses, almost covering all imaginable disciplines such as filmmaking, wooden puppet industry even advanced mathematics at the graduate level. They offer, simultaneously, courses for beginners, with which you can now start learning what you have the passion for on equal footing with any other student in the world.

      Professional Level:
      According to many, the first step in occupying a niche in the world of science, especially psychology, should begin with books. This opinion could have been relevant in the past, but thanks to the internet, education is now available at our fingertips. Even major universities are offering, through internet, so many courses almost covering all imaginable disciplines such as filmmaking, wooden puppet industry, even advanced mathematics at the graduate level. Additionally, there are beginners’ courses to get you started on what you are passionate about.

      Many people believe that the first step to learning science, especially phycology, starts with reading books. Today, this view is no longer valid, as internet is offering us new opportunities for education. Through the virtual world, universities across the world, including high ranking ones, are delivering their courses to students majoring in nearly all disciplines, beginning with filmmaking and wooden puppet making up to advanced mathematics for postgraduate students. This is, of course, in addition to regular courses that serve beginners, which will enable you to discover the thrill of learning what you love to learn, just as any other student in the world would do.

      There has been a long-standing belief that learning science, especially phycology, should being by reading books. However, the validity of this view is called into question today, in light of the numerous opportunities that the internet has to offer for education. Many prestigious universities around the world are turning to the virtual world to deliver their educational programmes, from filmmaking and wooden puppet making to advanced mathematics for postgraduate students. You can still sign up for a regular class aimed at beginners, giving you the chance to discover what you love to learn, just like anyone else in the world would.



      • #5

        صراحة استاذ محمد هذه الطريقة اقل ما يقال عنها أنها رائعة. انتهيت للتو من مقارنة الترجمة كيف تتدرجت الترجمة من مستوى لمستوى آخر سمحتلي بمعرفة مستواي وكيف يمكنني ان اطوره و ما هي النقط التي يجب ان اركز عليها في المرات المقبلة،كيفية مراعاة التراكيب في اللغة الإنجليزية ايجاد مرادفات الكلمة الواحدة و العودة دائما و ابدا الى اللغة الانجليزية اي بمعنى آخر كيف يعبرون عن الكلام بلغتهم واظن ذلك يتطلب الكثير من القراءة وهذا ما سأركز عليه في المراحل المقبلة لأطور من ترجمتي كوني مبتدئة. واخيرا دكتور شكرا لك من القلب لجهودك الجبارة. ?


        • #6

          القانون عبارة عن مجموعةٍ من القواعد والأسس، التي تنظّم أيّ مجتمع، كما يعتبر من أهمّ النظم الاجتماعيّة والسياسيّة، حيث يقرّر القواعد التي تحدّد حقوق الأفراد والتزاماتهم، كما يحدّد الجزاءات المترتبة على المخالفين، وكيفية تطبيق الحكومة للقواعد والجزاءات، ويتمّ تعديل القوانين بشكلٍ متكررٍ، لتتناسب مع التغييرات الحاصلة في المجتمع، وينقسم القانون من حيث الموضوع، إلى قواعد تنتمي إلى القانون الخاص، وقواعد تنتمي إلى القانون العام.

          The law is a set of rules and principles which organize any society and is considered to be one of the most important social and political systems where the rules define the rights of individuals and their obligations, and it prescribes penalties imposed on those who violate the law and states how the government must apply the rules and penalties and laws are frequently amended to cope with changes happening in society and the law is divided by subject to rules belonging to the public law and rules belonging to the private law.

          The law is a set of rules and principles which organizes any society. It is considered to be one of the most important social and political systems because its rules define the rights and obligations of individuals. It also prescribes penalties imposed on those who violate the law. It also states how the government must apply the rules and penalties. Laws are frequently amended to cope with changes in society. The law is divided by subject to the public law and private law.

          The law is a set of rules and principles which organizes any society, making it one of the most important social and political systems. Its rules define the rights and obligations of individuals along with penalties for those who violate the law. It also states how the government must apply the rules and penalties. Laws are frequently amended to cope with changes in society. The law is divided by subject to the public law and private law.

          Law is a set of rules and principles which govern a society, making it one of the most interesting social and political systems. The law defines the rights and obligations of individuals and provides penalties for those who breach it. It also establishes the mechanisms that a government must use in applying the law and enforcing its provisions. Laws are often amended to conform to the changing needs of society. According to subject, there are two branches of law: the public law and the private law.


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