In this tutorial, I am translating a simple paragraph from Noob level to Pro.
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تأثر علم الاجتماع كغيره من العلوم الأخرى بالعديد من المؤثّرات، كان أحدها ظاهرة التخصّص التي تجلّت بشكل واضح مع توسّع الثورة الصناعيّة وتقدّم البحث العلميّ، فزادت اهتماماته وكثُرت ميادينه، واختصّ كلٌّ منها بوجهٍ من أوجه الحياة الاجتماعيّة
Noob: Literal translation that preserves the correct lexical meanings of words and phrases and sticks to the grammar of the English language.
Sociology, like any other science, has been affected by several influences, one of which being the phenomenon of specialization, which manifested itself clearly with the expansion of the industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research, so its interests increased and its fields multiplied, each of which addressing one aspect of social life. |
Sociology, like any other science, has been affected by several influences. One of those influences is the phenomenon of specialization, which manifested itself clearly with the expansion of the industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research. Sociological interests increased and its fields multiplied. Each field addressed one aspect of social life. |
Like any other discipline, sociology has been influenced by several factors. An important factor relates to specialization, which has been a clear output of the expanding industrial revolution and advancement of scientific research. Sociological interests have varied, with the proliferation of multiple fields under the discipline. Each field addressed one aspect of social life. |

The study of sociology has been shaped by a number of factors, just as any other discipline has been. One significant factor has been specialization, a trend that has been fostered by the growing industrial revolution and advancement in scientific research. Interests of sociologists have become diverse, with the emergence of multiple fields of study. Each field addressed a different element of social life. |
Comments ? If you have a better translation, I would love to see it.