Third: Forms of Enrichment Activities
- Enrichment Activity during school (in a crisis).
- It means enhancing an activity in fundamental subjects such as Arabic language, English language, Maths and Sciences in order to support public and general academic outcomes. It applies in schools’ facilities in which education is transformed from abstract theoretical to applied education, which in turn supports higher rates of self-learning at the expense of traditional learning. It enhances the moral and material reinforcements that learning is built on, allowing learners to practice life skills, which further develops conditions of an enjoyable learning environments. Through activities that enriches dialogue and motivate the learners to investigate, research, interpret, think, criticise, propose, hypothesise, consider other opinions, and make their own decisions. This is a form of activity that is apart of weekly lessons for each class, covering two sessions, ninety minutes for one school period and seventy minutes for two school periods in two consecutive semesters. Consider flexibility when dealing with learners enduring a crisis that may cause anxiety, impeding their learning process, especially when they do not attend school in emergencies. Teachers in learning support provide students with supporting activities to compensate for any educational loss. It is included in the school’s development plan, provided that the proposed activities are taken into account in the academic achievement of learners in these subjects.
- Enrichment activity during school after a crisis.
- It means the activity in which cognitive concepts distributed. Each concept falls on one or more activity and is presented to the learner in methods to achieve engagement, fun and dialogue which the learner follows to discover and elicit lessons and messages embedded in the activity. Cognitive concept can be combined into four axis, civil values, ideals, communication and thinking skills. The environment, the work, the beauty and the appreciation of art.

ثالثًا: أشكال النشاط الإثرائي
- النشاط الإثرائي داخل المدرسة: (فترة الأزمات)
- النشاط الإثرائي داخل المدرسة (بعد الأزمات)