Candidate's translation:
Planning at the local level- MoPIC adopts developmental concepts and practices on the level of policy-making to address many of imbalances in sustainable and comprehensive development in different regions of the Kingdom. MPIC directs its programs to meet the development needs and priorities in the governorates, based on the comparative and competitive advantages and investment opportunities of each governorate, in a way that ensures the expansion of constituencies making and following up on decisions, enabling citizens, authorities and local organizations to identify their needs and priorities for the advancement of their communities, and working in parallel to enhance the productive capacity of the governorates, in coordination with all concerned parties, develop local economies and enhance their productivity, in addition to developing the microfinance sector and small and medium enterprises.

لدى وزارة التخطيط دور محوري في الحكومة. هي الجهة المعنية بالتخطيط على المستوى الوطني. ترسم الوزارة الخطط متوسطة الأمد وبعيدة الأمد. إضافة إلى برامج التنمية الشاملة، تضع الوزارة مشاريع التنمية بمختلف أنواعها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والبشرية والثقافية. ثم تقدم الوزارة كل ذلك لتتبناه الحكومة كخطط وبرامج لها.
تعتمد الوزارة النهج التشاركي في عملها. هي تشرك جميع الجهات المعنية، لكنَّها، في الوقت نفسه، تراعي إدراج عناصر بعض السياسات والإستراتيجيات العامة في الخطط والبرامج. وتسهم الوزارة أيضاً في تقديم مقترحات السياسات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية الداعمة للتنمية المستدامة. تشارك الوزارة أيضاً في وضع السياسات الاقتصادية والتدخلات اللازمة لأنها تريد تحسين مستوى الأداء الاقتصادي، ومن ثمَّ رفع معدل النمو الاقتصادي.
هناك جملة من المفاهيم والممارسات التنموية التي تتبناها الوزارة. تعالج الوزارة من خلالها كثيراً من الاختلالات على مستوى صناعة السياسات. تهتم على وجه التحديد في الاختلالات في التنمية الشاملة والمستدامة في مختلف محافظات المملكة. وتعدِّل الوزارة على ضوء ذلك برامجها لتستجيب لحاجات التنمية وأولوياتها في كل محافظة منفردة. وتستند الوزارة في سبيل ذلك إلى دراسة الميزات النسبية والتنافسية والفرص الاستثمارية التي تتمتع بها كل محافظة. لكنَّها في الوقت نفسه، تضع اهتمامها على توسيع قاعدة المشاركة الشعبية في صنع القرار التنموي ومتابعته. وتسعى أيضاً إلى تمكين المواطنين والهيئات والمنظمات المحلية من تحديد حاجاتهم وأولوياتهم بما يخدم النهوض بمجتمعاتهم المحلية. وبالتوازي مع ذلك، تعمل الوزارة على تعزيز القدرة الإنتاجية للمحافظات بالتنسيق مع الجهات المعنية كافة، وكذلك من خلال تطوير الاقتصادات المحلية وتعزيز إنتاجاتها. وتعمل الوزارة أيضاً على تطوير قطاع التمويل الأصغر والمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة.
Translation of the intermediary text:
The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) has a pivotal role in the government. It is the agency in charge of planning on the national level. MoPIC draws up medium and long term plans. In addition to comprehensive development plans, MoPIC develops development projects of all economic, social, human and cultural types. It presents all of this to the government to adopt them as its own plans and programs.
MoPIC adopts a participatory approach, engaging with all relevant entities. At the same time, however, it considers the inclusion of some aspects of general policies and strategies in plans and programs. MoPIC also contributes to the development of proposals on socio-economic policies in support of sustainable development. It also participates in drawing up economic policies and giving necessary inputs as it is keen on improving the economic performance, hence improving the rates of economic growth.
There are a couple of developmental concepts and practices that MoPIC follows, through which it addresses lots of imbalances in comprehensive and sustainable development at the governorate level. In light of this exercise, MoPIC tailors its programs to the respective development needs and priorities of each individual governorate. Towards this goal, MoPIC studies the proportional and competitive each of each governorate as well as available investment opportunities there. At the same time, it pays attention to augmenting the participation of constituencies in making development decisions and following up on their implementation. MoPIC also seeks to enable citizens, agencies and local civil society organizations to identify their needs and priorities that would serve in advancing their local communities. In parallel, it works for the enhancement of productive capabilities of governorates in coordination with all stakeholders, and through the development of local economies and improving their productivity. MoPOC also works on developing microfinancing and small and medium sized enterprises.
After editing the intermediary text
The Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation (MoPIC) plays an important role within the government. A national planning agency, MoPIC develops medium and long-term plans. MoPIC also develops development projects related to all aspects of economic, social, human, and cultural development. These are then presented to the government for adoption as its own plans and programs.
Using a participatory approach, MoPIC engages all relevant entities, while at the same time considering the inclusion of certain elements of general policies and strategies in plans and programs. In addition, MoPIC assists in the formulation of socio-economic policies aimed at supporting sustainable development. In addition, it provides inputs to the development of economic policies and helps in their implementation, in order to improve the performance of the economy and increase the rates of economic growth.
MoPIC utilizes several development concepts and practices, through which it addresses numerous imbalances in comprehensive and sustainable development at the governorate level. Through this process, MoPIC tailors its programs to meet the development needs and priorities of each individual governorate. It is to this end that MoPIC examines the proportionality and competitiveness of each governorate, as well as the investment opportunities available there. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of enhancing the participation of constituencies in making development decisions and following up on their implementation. A key objective of MoPIC is to enable citizens, agencies, and local civil society groups to identify their needs and priorities that will serve to advance the community in which they live. In parallel, it is involved in improving the productivity of governorates through the advancement of local economies and the enhancement of their productivity in collaboration with all stakeholders. A major focus of MoPOC is developing microfinance and small and medium sized enterprises.