المدرسة الافتراضية للترجمة وفنون اللغة العربية (جيمارا)

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Text about migration

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  • Exercise Text about migration

    الهجرة ظاهرة قديمة جديدة، يُعرّفها فقهاء القانون "بأنها مغادرة الفرد لإقليم دولته نهائيًّا إلى إقليم دولة أخرى"، بينما يعرّف المُهاجِر بأنّه "أي شخص يُغيّر بلد إقامته المعتادة". وهذان تعريفان حديثان للهجرة، ارتبطا بظاهرةٍ عالميّة ظهرت بعد نشوء الدَّول؛ لكنّ المعنى العام للهجرة لا يُقيَّد بالانتقال من بلدٍ إلى بلدٍ آخر؛ بل يشمل كلَّ انتقال من مكان إلى مكان.

    وقد ارتبطت الهجرة بحياة الإنسان ارتباطًا مصيريًّا،إذ كانت الوسيلةَ التي يَلجأ إليها بحثًا عن حياةٍ تضمن له الاستمراريَّة ، وهو يحاول من خلالها التخلّص من مخاوفَ قد تسببها ظروف المكان الذي يعيش فيه، ومن خلالها أيضًا يحاوِل تحقيق آمالِه وطموحاتِه وأهدافه في الأرضِ الجديدة التي يهاجر إليها. وقديمًا كانت القبيلة ترتحل من أرضٍ إلى أخرى، فرارًا من القَحط والجدب وظروف البيئة القاسية، وطلبًا للماء والكلأ والمرعى، أو بسبب الحروب الناشبة بين القبائل، وهذا كان حال أهل البادية عمومًا، وقد نتج عن هذه الهجرة أشعار تعبّر عن حال الشّاعر العربي حين ترتحل قبيلة محبوته، فيقف على أطلال بيتها، ويخاطبها، ويبكي، مثلما يبكي امرؤ القيس، الذي يقول: قفا نبك من من ذكرى حبيبٍ ومنزلِ بسِقط اللِّوى بين الدَّخول فحَومَلِ.


  • #2
    Since the earliest times, humanity has been on the move. Immigration is defined legally as “permanent departure of a person away from one’s home country’s territory to a new country”, and migrant is defined as “someone who changes his or her country of usual residence”. These relatively modern definitions has been associated with a global phenomenon emerged after rise of states. However, general meaning of migration is not confined to movement from one country to another, it rather refers to any on move situation from here to there.
    Migration has been always connected to destiny of man’s life since it was the resort for searching a life that ensures survival, and through it a person is trying to relieve his/ her concerns arising from circumstances imposed at the residency place. By choosing to immigrate one is looking forward to achieve his aspirations, ambitions and aims in the new country. In ancient times, tribes were migrating and relocating escaping drought, aridity and harsh environmental conditions, seeking water, pasture and grass, or fleeing tribal waging wars. This was destiny of nomadic people in general, thus many poems were written describing Arabian poet’s feelings upon departure of his beloved woman with her clan. Poet then was frequently visiting his beloved one’s dwelling remnants, moaning her absence and talking to her, as did Imru’ Al Qays who wept his beloved departure saying:
    Let’s halt! And on the abode of beloved one weep
    Where, twixt “Dukhool” and “Hawmal”, sands pile deep.


    • Mohammed
      Mohammed commented
      Editing a comment
      Light edits
      Since earliest times, humanity has been on the move. In legal jurisprudence, migration is defined as “the permanent departure of a person away from one’s home country’s territory to a new country”, while ‘migrant’ is defined as “someone who changes their country of usual residence”. These relatively modern definitions have been associated with a global phenomenon emerging after rise of states. However, the general meaning of migration is not confined to movement from one country to another; it rather refers to any movement from one place to another.

      Migration has always been a fateful moment in man’s life since it is the resort for searching a life that ensures survival, and through it a person is trying to relieve their concerns arising from circumstances imposed at the residency place. By choosing to immigrate, one is looking forward to achieving their aspirations, ambitions and aims in their new adopted country. In ancient times, tribes migrated and relocated to escape drought, aridity and harsh environmental conditions, seeking water, pasture and grass, or fleeing tribal wars. Such was the life reality of nomads in general. Thus, many poems were composed describing Arabian poets’ feelings upon the departure of his beloved woman with her clan. A poet then would frequently visit his beloved one’s dwelling remnants, moaning her absence and addressing her, as did Imru’ Al Qays who wept his beloved’s departure saying:

      Let’s halt! And on the abode of beloved one weep
      Where, twixt “Dukhool” and “Hawmal”, sands pile deep.

      Second round
      Humanity has been on the move since the dawn of time. In legal jurisprudence, the term "migration" refers to "the permanent departure of a person from their home country to another," while the term "migrant" refers to "someone who changes their country of usual residence." These relatively modern definitions have been associated with a global phenomenon emerging after the rise of states. While migration is generally associated with migration between countries, in a broader sense, it refers to any movement between places.

      Migration has always been a fateful moment in the life of an individual who finds refuge in migration for ensuring survival and by doing so is attempting to relieve their worries in the face of unfavorable circumstances at the original country of residency. When one decides to immigrate, they look forward to achieving their aspirations, ambitions, and aims in their newly adopted homeland. Historically, tribes migrated and relocated because of drought, aridity, and harsh environmental conditions, seeking water, pasture, or grass, or fleeing tribal wars. In general, this was the reality of the life of nomads. It is for this reason that many poems were composed by Arabian poets to express their feelings upon the departure of a beloved woman and her clan from their place. As was customary for poets, they would regularly visit the vestiges of their beloved one's dwellings to lament her absence and to speak to her as though she were present, as did Imru' Al Qays, who wept over the departure of his beloved by saying:

      Let’s halt! And on the abode of beloved one weep
      Where, twixt “Dukhool” and “Hawmal”, sands pile deep.

  • #3
    Revised translation in track changes. Attached.
    The document includes light edits and heavy edits.
    Attached Files


    • #4
      Immigration is an old phenomenon that has regained prominence. Legal experts define it as when “an individual permanently leaves the home province of his country to go to another country;” while an immigrant is defined as “any person who changes the country of his customary residency.” These two definitions for the concept of immigration are new because of their link with this worldwide phenomenon that emerged after the creation of nation-states. However, the general meaning of immigration is not limited to moving from one country to another, but rather includes all types of movement from one place to another.

      Immigration has been decisively linked to the lives of people as a means through which people seek refuge looking to live in a way that allows his or her continuity. Through it he or she tries to rid him or herself of the fears caused by the circumstances of the place he or she resides in. It is also a path to reach his or her hopes, ambitions and goals in this new land.

      In the past, a tribe would move from one land to another, fleeing from drought and other difficult environmental circumstances in search for water, grasslands, and other places for their livestock to graze. Or they would escape from wars between other tribes. These were the harsh conditions most tribes had to live through, and one of the fruits of this type of immigration were poems where the Arab poet would express his feelings when the tribe of his beloved would leave. Such is the case of Imru al-Qais who says:

      “Stop, O my two friends, so we may cry over the memory of the beloved and her home on the edge of the desert between al-Dakhuul and Hawmal.”

      Attached Files
      Last edited by John; 10-27-2022, 05:18 PM.


      • Mohammed
        Mohammed commented
        Editing a comment
        Migration is the term we need for such texts.
        International organisations today prefer to use 'they and them' instead of 'he/she, his/her'.

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