الثقافة مجموعة من المعارف والمعاني تتفق عليها وتفهمها مجموعة من الناس، تربط طبقة المثقفين تلك المعارف والمعاني من خلال نظم مشتركة تسيّر المجتمع. يقوم المثقفون بالبحث عن المعارف نفسها وإنتاجها والتوصل إلى الحقيقة ووضعها في سياق مباشر مع مصالح المجتمع من أجل تحريره من الجهل، وتوجيهه باتجاه مصالحه الفعّالة الحقيقية والتي ترفع مستوى الفرد في حياة أفضل. ويكتمل دور المثقف بالتزامه بقضايا مجتمعة حتى النهاية، ولا ينتهي المثقف بكونه مجرد بنك معلومات يتفاخر بما يملك، وبالتالي يجب أن يدخل المثقف في خطاب مباشر مع المجتمع، لكن الدخول في خطاب مباشر مع المجتمع تواجهه بعض المشاكل.
Culture can be defined as the set of knowledge and meanings commonly shared and agreed upon by a group of people. Cultured people try to navigate that knowledge and those meanings through common systems prevailing over society. Their engagement does not stop after looking out for knowledge, producing it, arriving at the truth, contextualizing it in the service of the real effective interests of societies to liberate it from ignorance and gear it towards its genuine efficient interests hence improving the standards of living of individuals. In fact, the role of cultured individuals could be implemented by showing commitment to their society’s causes until the end. That is to say, a cultured person cannot be reduced to a coveted information bank, as they should get into a direct discourse with society to face up some of its troubles.
Culture is what people share and agree on as knowledge and meanings. Those who are cultured navigate knowledge and meanings through common systems. They don't just look for knowledge, produce it, find the truth. They contextualize it to serve the real interests of societies, liberating them from ignorance, gearing them toward their interests, and thereby improving people's lives. Cultured individuals should demonstrate their commitment to their society's causes until the very end if they are to fulfill their role as cultured individuals. Therefore, a cultured person shouldn't be reduced to a coveted information bank, but instead should engage directly in society to address its issues.