المدرسة الافتراضية للترجمة وفنون اللغة العربية (جيمارا)

The Virtual School of Translation and Arabic Related Arts (JEEMARA)

مسابقة الترجمة تشرين الأول 2019

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  • مسابقة الترجمة تشرين الأول 2019

    مسابقة هذا الشهر في الترجمة الإدارية. يُطلَب إلى الأعضاء الراغبين في المشاركة وضع ترجماتها للنص الآتي من العربية إلى الإنجليزية قبل 20 تشرين الأول 2019. لا يوجد تعليمات محددة حول هذه المسابقة باستثناء منع استخدام مترجم غوغل، مع السماح باستخدام قاموس المعاني أو أي قاموس آخر مماثل.
    بمقدور المتباري أن يسأل عن المصطلحات التي أشكلت عليه وسوف نعطيه إياها.

    بعد تقديم الإجابات، سوف نضع لاحقاً في 30 تشرين الأول 2019 تصحيحات للجميع إن لزم الأمر ثم نعرض الأمر عليكم للتصويت على الفائز. يحق لصاحب النص أن يصوت لمصلحة ترجمته إن أراد ذلك وإن شعر أنَّ ترجمته أفضل من الترجمات الأخرى.

    مَهام المدير العام:

    مَهام المدير العام هي كافة المسؤوليّات والواجبات المُترتّبة على المدير العام داخل حدود شركته وخارجها، لذلك عليه أن يحرصَ على تنفيذها بطريقةٍ صحيحة؛ سواءً داخل الشّركة ممّا يُساهمُ في تطبيقِ العمليّات الإداريّة، أو خارجها والذي يعكسُ صورةً إيجابيّةً عن الشّركة أمام الشّركات الأُخرى، والمجتمع عموماً وخصوصاً أمام العملاء. ومن أهمّ المَهام التي يقوم بها المُدير العام ما يأتي:

    1- الإشراف على كافّةِ النّشاطات والعمليّات اليوميّة في الشّركة عن طريق مُتابعتها بشكلٍ دائم ومُستمرّ.
    2- ضمان تنفيذ أفضل الاستراتيجيّات التي تضمنُ التطوّر المُستمرّ في بيئة عمل الشّركة.
    3- وضع الأهداف الخاصّة بكافّة المَهام، وقياس مدى نجاح الأداء في تنفيذها، ومُتابعة التّقارير الخاصّة بها.
    4- الاهتمام بمُراقبة عمل المُدراء التنفيذيّين، ورؤساء الأقسام، والمُشرفين عن الأعمال المُختلفة.
    5- البحث عن أفضل البرامج الوظيفيّة التي من المُمكن تطبيقها ضمن بيئة الشّركة بنجاح.
    6- السّعي للرّبط بين المُنتجات والخدمات المُقدَّمة من قِبَل الشّركة، مع طبيعة العُملاء المُستهدَفين في المجتمع.
    7- الاهتمام بتوظيف الموظّفين الأكفياء، والذين يُساهمون في تحقيق التطوّر المهنيّ في كافّة المجالات الوظيفيّة.
    8- إصدار القرارات النهائيّة حول المشروعات الكُبرى، والخطط التنمويّة التي سيتمُّ العملُ على تطبيقها.
    9- التّعاملُ مع كافة موظفيّ الشّركة، وسماعُ آرائهم وتحفيزهم للمشاركة في الاجتماعات من أجل التعرّف على الإنجازات والتّحديات التي تواجههم.
    10- تمثيل الشّركة في المؤتمرات والاجتماعات المحليّة والإقليميّة والدوليّة

    المصدر: موضوع دوت كوم https://mawdoo3.com/%D9%85%D8%A7_%D9...B9%D8%A7%D9%85

  • #2
    testing forum functionalities


    • #3
      where can I post my translation ? here ?


      • Mohammed
        Mohammed commented
        Editing a comment
        Yes, please :)

    • #4
      The Functions of the Director-General:

      The Director-General functions are all the responsibilities and duties of the General Director within the limits of their company and beyond. Therefore, they have to ensure they’re implemented properly. Both within the company, which contributes to the application of administrative processes, and beyond. This reflects a positive image of the company before other companies, and the society in general, especially in front of clients.

      Some of the main tasks undertaken by the Director-General are the following:

      1- Overseeing of all activities and daily operations of the company through permanent and continuous follow up.

      2- Ensuring the implementation of the best strategies that guarantee the continuous development of the company's working environment.

      3- Setting goals for all special tasks, and to measure the success level of the performance in its implementation and follow-up on their own reports.

      4- Monitoring executives’ work, heads of departments, and supervisors of different jobs.

      5- Finding the best job programs that can be applied successfully within the company's environment.

      6- Seeking to link the products and services offered by the company, with the nature of the intended clients in the community.

      7- Taking an Interest in hiring qualified employees, who contribute to the achievement of professional development across all functional areas.

      8- Issuing final decisions on major projects, and development plans that will work towards their implementation.

      9- Dealing with all of the company's employees, and hearing their views and motivating them to participate in meetings in order to identify their achievements and the challenges they face.

      10- Representing the company in local and regional conferences and international meetings.


      • #5
        Here you are! It has been a nice meeting through zoom.us.
        Attached Files


        • #6
          Thank you for the opportunity, looking forward for tomorrow’s session.


          • #7
            Fatima Could you please see Sarak's translation? https://zoom.us/meeting/register/84c...c87b605f06faf5
            Guest Can we meet tonight through zoom.us to discuss it with you and Fatima ?
            Last edited by Mohammed; 10-17-2019, 07:48 PM.


            • #8
              Functions of the director general

              Functions of the director general are all consequential responsibilities of the director general within borders of his company and outside it. Thus he must keen to fulfill it by the right manner. Both, inside

              the company which contributes in applying the administration operations, or outside the company which reflects a positive image on it in front of the other companies, the society in general and

              especially in front of the clients. Some of the important tasks performed by the director general are as follows:

              1- Supervises all the daily activities and operations in the company by following them permanently.

              2- Ensure the implementation of the best strategies that ensure the persistent development in the company’s business environment.

              3- Set goals for all tasks and measure the success of the performance in implementing it and follow the reports of it.

              4- Attention in monitoring executive director’s work, department head and supervisors on the different tasks.

              5- Search for the best functional programs that are possible to apply within the company’s environment successfully.

              6- Seek to link productions and services by the company with the nature of the target customers in the community.

              7- Attention to hire adequate employees who contribute in achieving professional development in all functional fields
              8- Issue final decisions on great projects, and developmental schemes to be implemented.

              9- Deal with all of company employees, and hear their opinions and motivate them to contribute in meetings in order to recognize the achievements and challenges that face them.

              10- Represent the company in local, regional and international conferences and meetings.


              • Mohammed
                Mohammed commented
                Editing a comment
                Let us meet on Friday through zoom.us to discuss it. First, I need to arrange for the meeting so that you and Fatima can be there. More details will come to you tomorrow.

            • #9
              Guest We will not be able to arrange for today's meeting. Let us put it off till tomorrow. I will provide you with the details tomorrow.


              • #10
                Guest Fatima
                Are you available tonight 1t 10 (Amman time)?

                Guest What you need to do is to register through this link https://zoom.us/meeting/register/84c...c87b605f06faf5
                Then, at 10:00 PM click on the link that you will receive through email. Your browser will take you into a virtual classroom where we meet. You will need a headset to hear other participants and talk to them.


                • #11
                  Ready inshaallah.


                  • #12
                    Guest Fatima is ready and will be there tonight with us to exchange throughs on your translation. If you are free then (I hope so), register in the zoom meeting as indicated in the previous post. And, bring your hot coffee :31:


                    • Guest's Avatar
                      Guest commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Sorry that I couldn't attend the discussion of my translation because my internet was unavailable.

                    • Mohammed
                      Mohammed commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Never mind Sarak. We can plan for another meeting to discuss it. I have to check with Fatima first.

                  • #13
                    The tasks of the General Manager:

                    The general manager's duties are all the responsibilities and duties of the General Manager within and outside the boundaries of his or her company. Therefore, the general manager has to make sure that his or her tasks implemented properly. Whether within the company, which contributes to the implementation of administrative processes, or outside the company, which reflects a positive image of the company in front of other companies, and the community in general, especially in front of customers. One of the most important tasks of the General Manager are the followings:

                    1- Supervising all activities and daily operations in the company by constantly following them.
                    2- Ensuring the implementation of the best strategies to ensure the continued development in the company's working environment.
                    3-Setting objectives for all tasks, and measuring the success of performance in implementing them, and pursuing their own reports.
                    4- Taking care to monitor the work of executive managers, department heads, and supervisors of varies works.
                    5- Looking up for best functional programs that can be successfully implemented within the company's environment.
                    6- Pursing a link between products and services that provided by the company, with the nature of the clients that are targeted in society.
                    7- Focusing on recruitment of sufficient staff who contribute to professional development in all areas of the occupation.
                    8- Issuing final decisions on major projects and development plans to be implemented.
                    9. Engage with all the company's employees, hear their opinions and motivate them to participate in meetings in order to learn about the achievements and challenges facing them.
                    10- Representing the company at local, regional and international conferences and meetings.


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